What is Mindfulness?

what is mindfulness

Mindfulness is simply a sense of deliberate focus on the present moment, within and around us. For Martha, the key is taking the abundant wisdom we learn through meditation into living mindfully – into subtle elements of our moment to moment daily life. In living mindfully, we quiet the clutter of thoughts in our minds, deliberately choosing to focus on each moment, including the people present, our inner intuitive awareness, and all the surrounding conditions. We invite qualities of non-judgement, acceptance, trust, and many more. We recognize our fears, doubts and unconscious beliefs as inner voices and sometimes constant inner conversations that we allow to limit our potential to shine. The resulting ease and sense of life being under control boosts our health and energy, creativity, and joy. We know how we want to live our lives.

Martha’s primary focus since 1998 has been on reducing stress through mindful meditation and living deliberately with mindful self awareness. Martha’s mindfulness programs (see below) have helped many with stress-related conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, overwhelm, and some addictive life patterns.


“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“I meditate because I love how it makes me feel – sometimes like bursting with love. I think of it also as great training – for focusing my mind on what I am doing, savouring each moment, and knowing myself. These days I am stopping for short meditations more and more during walks with my dog or runs near my favourite big tree.” – Martha


Be Your Best

Weekly drop-in classes on living mindfully, November thru May each year.

Wednesdays, 4-5 pm at The Yoga Lounge, Canmore

First class free, $18 drop-in, $140 for 10 classes, or $260 unlimited.

Tools for Stress for the workplace

Freedom from stress, through training in mindful self-awareness, for your workplace.
Stress is the primary cause of lost work days, job turnover, low productivity and low morale. More and more organizations are bringing mindfulness to the workplace due to the diverse and outstanding results. The resulting sense of ease and that life is under control boosts health, effective team work, creativity, and performance under pressure.
Five one-hour customized group sessions over five weeks in your workplace.

$160 + GST per person for groups of 6-15 employees.


A Mindful Day in Nature

On two spring and two fall weekend days, Martha offers an introduction to living mindfully by spending a day with all our senses open to all that nature offers us. She includes some key elements of living mindfully, a long and gentle walk on local Canmore trails, and an outdoor guided meditation.

April/May 2016 dates coming soon. $50 includes a fresh and delicious lunch from Canmore’s Le Fournil bakery.

Contact Martha
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